
Mmmm ... steak.

Mmmm. . . steak.I don't remember what cut I bought last night but it was about $9/lb and I cut it into cubes to marinate in a light barbecue sauce. I've been doing thin steaks lately and I've become darn good at them on my Q. The trick to a steak is knowing how much time it should be grilled rather than going by internal temperature (IT). The IT is probably the best way to get to perfect steak finishing point but, it takes too long to take the temperature, especially on small tips like these. By the a stable reading is achieved, it could be way overcooked.

So, for most steaks about an inch or so thickness, I pre-heat thoroughly (there's a cast iron grill on the "Q") and go 3 minutes a side and finally end it by covering the meat with foil for a good 5 minutes. For the steak tips shown here, although I marinated in barbecue sauce, most of it was lost in the cooking and the meat had a perfect amount left on it. Served with rice and steamed cauliflower and broccoli, it was a perfect meal.


  1. OH cool, I did a steak post last week. We're on the same page an junk.
    I just called my butcher and ordered a leg of lamb. Gonna remove bone, stuff with herbs, toasted nuts, garlic, lemon zest and replace bone. Toss in to smoker for hours. I can hardly wait!


  2. Hey Dr. B,

    I personally would jam the stuffing around the bone. I think bones help cook from the inside and make the inner meat more tender. But, it's your baby. Don't let me interfere. How long you gonna cook it?

  3. Feh, you misunderstood. Remove bone, replace bone. It's in there, you bet. Can't have any kind of decent roast without it.

    The lamb went for a little over 3 hours I think, maybe 3.5. I pulled it at 140 and let it rest. Kinda pinkish inside with juices all around. The tri-tip didn't take much time at all and it was pulled at about 135. That right there was amazing as well. Marinated it in a base of fresh lemon juice and some spicy ass salty cajun action. Plenty of smoky goodness.


  4. Oops. Sorry, I must've forgot how to read. I love Lamb, must've been pretty darn tasty.

  5. It was fricken great.

    I cooked a chicken cordon bleu indirectly on a little weber using hickory chips and mesquite on Saturday.

