
Full baguette video - I suck as a film maker

10 minutes of your life you'll never get back - enjoy!


  1. Loved the video Dave! (Oh, and the podcast just went up.) You are the king of all media. ;-)

  2. Thanks Zach. I live for each and all 5 of my dedicated fans.

    Heard the episode. Pretty cool - thanks!

  3. dave, awesome vid... great diversion from reading endless pages of medical knowledge

    gonna try out your technique with the cheap-o grill adjunct/perfed aluminium sheet

  4. Wow! I first saw episode 3 some time back (3 or 4 years? I was younger then) Now we have the Final Production !! It was worth the wait.
    Glad to see Frankie has grown up to be an on-screen wunderkind . Film classes will be discussing your use of the baloon string symbol for years to come.
    I haven't baked for a while but MUST try this in the morning.

    See you at the Oscars.

    Mats Flemstrom, Toronto

  5. This site is because of pleasant comments like yours Mats, thanks for hanging in.

    The problem with me and breads is the preps are (and never will be I realize) never finished. Procedure get revisited when new information comes in, flour formulations change, environmental conditions change, even my oven has changed. I'm enjoying a convection. And, recently, I heard the big pro ovens have a venting mechanism to REMOVE steam as fast as it's introduced. I never realized at certain points in the baking cycle a dry oven is as important as the humidity at the beginning.

    So, these vids simply memorialize a point in time for me and anyone else who'd like to watch. It's my lab notebook. Good luck!
