
Deep frying (with the Virgin)

Few are as mindful of the food we eat. Food Network must be supported by the cardiovascular drug industry.  Eating healthy need not require one to eliminate all fatty foods. To us, it's making those little forays into the dark side high quality.

Today's post prescribes leaving those limp little greasy potatoes under the lamp and use your allocation of fat wisely. Frankie, and a handful of other kids I know, seem to be passionate about chicken nuggets. When I told her I was making some for dinner - she dutifully ran away, got the ketchup, sat down and readied herself for a special treat.

Deep frying is about correct temperature, clean oil and good coating. My general formula for a delectable, tenacious coating is: dry the protein, coat with flour (knock off excess), dip in egg and coat with breadcrumbs seasoned thusly: 1 lb bread crumbs + 15 g salt + any other seasoning you please (feel free to prep and freeze at this point). I made chicken nuggets the other night with plain boneless breast pieces. I brined 'em a bit, cut them into nuggets, coated them and fried them. I fry with a Fry Daddy (common thrift item, ca. $3). Yum. Served with blanched asparagus and lightly spiced black beans. An odd combination, but good.

Food just plunged in and the moisture bubbling away from the oil

A real chicken nugget (to the left of the oil stain in the image of the Virgin Mary)
The blotting paper will go up for auction on Ebay tomorrow.


  1. I couldn't agree with your first paragraph anymore.

    By simply making your own food, as you do all of the time, is leaps ahead of buying anything processed or pre-made...even frying chicken nuggets! They look wonderful.

  2. Thanks for the kind words.

    Didn't want to be a snob about FoodTV. I like the eye candy as much as anyone, Rachel Ray, Giada, etc. But, the emphasis on fat, fat, Diners that cook fatty food, fat, more diners, fat, candy, butter, all in the stupid guise of "comfort food" is getting obnoxious.

    The nuggets of chicken are beautifully special, it's McDonald's and all the others that have cheapened a fun food. Same for potato chips. A fresh potato crisp nearly brings a tear to my eye.
