
This one time I'll let you ask me about my affairs

Weekends are low 'n slow, proper fuel, execution, temperature monitoring - serious bbq.  Weekdays are a bit different.  We pull a few shortcuts which we'd rather not disclose.  Shameful shortcuts.  But this one time, I'll share.

Tonight, I knew I'd get home a bit late, so I had the game plan rehearsed:

  • marinate chicken in spices and oil
  • make dipping sauce: yogurt, lemon juice, scant crushed garlic, tahini, salt, mint
  • chop, season and skewer vegetables 
  • confession: toss Match Light into kettle with a match - whooosh (sound of the ozone escaping)
  • skewer chicken (See those ultra cool saber-like Sadaf skewers?  Mediterranean Imports - the flat blade enables easier turning.)
  • grill direct with the top down
  • let cooked flesh rest
  • eat

Not  bad for a quick meal.  Served with some short grain brown rice.


  1. I just love the picture of the flaming kettle. You timed out well...I would have completely missed it! And yes, the skewers look awesome. I really need to get myself a set.

  2. No, you wouldn't have missed it. Every used Match Light? I could've gone in for a quick nap and it'd still have been raging. It so vigorous getting started, but then it calms down really quick and coals are really frigging hot and no fuel smell. Pretty cool stuff. Nice surprise.
