I have at least one lingering issue regarding my Firedome project: Does the intake of air from the bottom hemisphere matter? What happens to inside if I take air in...
a. through the bottom center?
b. through the sides?
c. both?
d. is there a swirly kind of convection of air going on?
e. can I get higher temps by optimizing this pattern of vents?
Instead of carving up a zillion bottom halves of grills, I figured it was time for a simulation vessel. I'll use tea lights initially for a heat source and measure temp differences with a thermocouple in the lid and try to use a smoke source (incense?) to visualize air flow patterns. Of course, if I didn't dislike reading so much and I could figure out the math, I might be able to make a more sophisticated hypothesis, but this is more fun. Also, there is a flat disc in the middle (cooking surface) that might screw up calculations, so here goes...
Bottom half drilled out bottom and side vents. It is also affixed with a lower grate that will hold the fuel source. |
Lower grate in the bottom half with tea lights, a proposed initial fuel source. |
The bottom half now equipped with the upper grate, or in the real grill this is the cooking surface. I need a teeny tiny clay surface for this. |
The top half is affixed to the bottom with binder clips. The top half is a model of the Firedome with 1" hole vent in lid and the famous hinged door. |
Just an image of the chrome bad ass monster. The entire apparatus will be suspended in a stand above the "ground" using a plant stand. |
The simulator sitting on a rack suspended so air can travel in through the bottom and side vents. |
Update: Not learning much, I really need a good voluminous smoke source. Incense isn't enough and it attracted hippies.