
coming soon...

Common in physical science research and publishing is to squeak out a bunch of brief discoveries in the course of a project called communications.  These tidbits are then assembled in a "full paper." In that time-honored tradition of exhaustively tedious republication of the same thing, I will put together one more Firedome post.

The victim?  During the wind storm last night, this arrived on my deck.  It's a classic Weber 22.5" kettle grill.  I'll cut this baby up guided by observations of my best runs thus far.  This will be a guide for anyone wanting to risk their life to make the perfect pizza - an effort I find deeply satisfying.  Check back once in a while to see the final post.

This kettle generously donated by @ToKateFromKate and @CMHPaparazzi (Kate and Paul, I love you guys.)  

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