

I don't often post about what I ate last night, but this is too easy and immediately became part of repertoire of fun, fast and excellent meals.  I can't believe it took me so long to make it.  I didn't do a thing different than what is explained in this recipe.  My only contribution in this post is I actually made it thus validating the prep.  Go make this, it's wicked good.

A couple action shots:
 I covered the braised pork for about an hour to make it pull easier.  Also in this image are all the fixins.  The assembly of the pho: -> noodles, meat, toppings (thai basil, cilantro, onions, carrots, peppers, soybean sprouts, etc) followed by broth makes the dinner especially fun.  It reminds me of the fun of assembling our own tacos.  Trish and I get to make ours hot and spicy and Frankie made hers mild.

Note that carrots were sliced extra thin.  The broth in this isn't so hot it could cook the carrot, but if slivered, it's not too tough for the soup raw.  What a meal!

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