
Quick, Call My Agent

Got the TV commercial. Me and my Weber (and dog, of course, she cleans the grate). Got a conference call Wednesday morning at 9:15 to hash out some details. I think I'm going to hold out for Nick Cage as the stunt double. Let you know how it goes.

Update: Cage is busy that day. Filming starts Feb 15th (weather permitting) and I get my choice of a new grill for compensation! Someone pinch me.


  1. i used to have a giligan's hat like that.. it was blue.. and i've been blue since i lost it.. :(


  2. Hey, I'd send you a Meathenge hat, if I had one. That would be cool.

    I've tried the Cafe Press route, but my logo comes out SO SMALL you can hardly see it. Feh.


  3. thanks biggles for the thought... i visit meathenge from time to time... i'm more of a lurker on most blogs..

  4. Sorry Dr. B. I'll be shamelessly self-promoting. Got some davesbeer gear to wear. Gotta get famous somehow.

  5. Hey man, fame is fine. But don't forget to ask for some money. Money is where it's at pal. I put up a Paypal donate button my blog. Nothing yet ...

  6. No button and no google ads. I couldn't possibly charge for this content.
