
Towards a leguminous snack

Scattered throughout my archives are a series of posts in which I take beans and boil them in (salted) water until tender.  The beans are filtered, rinsed and slowly roasted as a single layer at about 250-300F.  The texture is interesting.  They are not like the roasted chickpeas one finds in Mediterranean markets, those are vile chalky bits.  Cannellini, to this point, have been the best.  As they roast, they pop open and the frayed leguminous nuggets are left crisp.  It's fun to watch them during the roasting.  

Today I did black beans.  I often roast them with a skim of oil, but not this time.  So, salted water boil until tender, strained, rinsed and 2h roast at 300F on a sheet pan and there ya go:

Good snack?  They're pleasantly crisp and they stay that way.  They're not chalky, but were under seasoned.  I could have salted them while they were wet, prior to roasting, but I'm thinking bigger; how can I incorporate more and different flavors prior to roasting?


  1. I'd go with smoke, then you could mix them in with your almonds and peanuts...and then send a bag to Albany.

  2. Smoke's interesting, I like that, low n slow for the final roasting.

  3. I would shake them in spices.
