If it floats, it is a witch and should be burned on the briquettes
notes to self for pain au levain
x = 30 g
1. 1x(flour) + 2x(pineapple juice) + 2d ---> 3x[A]
2. 3x[A] + 1x(pineapple juice) + 1x(flour) + 1-2 d ---> 5x[B] see image
3. 5x[B] + 1x(water) + 2x(flour) + 1-2 d ---> 8x[C] see image
4. 4x[C] + 1x(water) + 3x(flour) + 1 d ---> 8x[D]
5. 4x[D] +9x(water) + 12x(flour) + 4-8 h ---> starter= [S]
>> [S] can be refreshed according to:
1x[S] + 2x(water) = 3x(flour) ---> 6x[S]
Pain au levain
3x[S] + 5x(water) + 8x(flour, mixed) + 6-8 h ---> levain
16x[levain] + 11x(water) + 16x(flour) + 1% w/w salt ---> dough
(a strategy to follow based on Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day (some rounding)
Related articles
- Pain de campagne (saffronandhoney.wordpress.com)
- Is white whole wheat flour a whole grain? (self.com)

Just Ale
(Lot = http://j.mp/9mqoXv --> 14-Nov-2010: archive sample bottled and remainder kegged)
I started brewing all grain recently and haven't had much luck with logistics. Most stuff now, I think, is worked out. Today I'm doing a simple practice ale to check out techniques and equipment. After reading a bit, I decided to try a higher dilution single infusion mash. I wanted to do as much as possible with an in place kettle because carrying around hot liquids is heavy and unpleasant. Higher dilution mash, ca. 2L / pound grain, means I'm not going to sparge, simpler. Results? We'll see.
Dave's Beer (Ale)
Breiss 2 row, 10 lbs
Crystal Malt, 60°, 1 lb
Black patent, ca. 1/4 lb
hops, Fuggles, 1.6 oz
1. Took a 50L pot (one can never have too much headspace) to 162°F and placed the cracked grain and mesh grain bag in (using a half-assed cooling rack/false bottom), stirred and let sit at ca. 150-145°F for an hour.
2. Warmed to 170°F and let sit 15 min.
3. Pulled grain bag (kind of messy pull, got snagged), squished it and rinsed it a bit, total 22L 10°Brix, ca. 225 points. This grain bag will be replaced with a fine stainless mesh more rigid bag when I finish it.
4. Brought to boil, added hops intermittently throughout an hour, careful huh?
5. Cooled to <70°F using an immersion chiller (thanks cold weather) in ca. 15 min.
6. Aerated the pulp out of it.
7. Dumped into a bucket to ferment while filtering out hot/cold breaks. OG = 12°Brix (1.048).
8. Charged yeast slurry to wort at 68°F.
9. waiting patiently...
10. gravity after 3days = 1.016, bummer, a little high, another 2-3 points and I'd be happy. Taste is pretty good (as much as I can tell at this stage).
Related articles
- Beer Brewing Basics, by Doctus (survivalblog.com)
- Behind the scenes at the Samuel Adams brewery (news.cnet.com)
- Amber DeGrace: A Day in the Life of a Brewer -- Iron Hill Brewery (huffingtonpost.com)